Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Centre (KALTC) was established in 1971 under the ownership of the Catholic Diocese of Moshi. The main objectives of the Center are to:
Empower youth with skills in agriculture and livestock keeping
Create employment opportunities for the surrounding community and beyond
Generate revenue to support strengthening young people and the sustainability of the Church.
The Center started with farming and livestock keeping and later training started in 1984. Currently the farm has extended its activities to a fishery; production of aggregates, bricks, and animal feed; and training seminars for the community in entrepreneurial skills, farming and livestock keeping techniques. The Center’s main activities are production and training.
Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Centre is owned by the Catholic Diocese of Moshi under the mandate of Right Rev. Ludovick Joseph Minde. Day-to-day supervision of the center is in the hands of the General Manager, Rev. Fr. Jerome Silayo. He is assisted by three managers on the management team: Operations Manager, Mr. Melkiades Msimbe, who is also the planning officer of the Center; Training Manager, Mr. Benito Mwenda, who is also Principal of Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Institute; and Finance Manager, Sr. Francisca Mushi.
activity Overview
In recognition of the challenges faced by youth, particularly unemployment, drug abuse, HIV infections, poverty and lack of skills, Kilacha initiated programs that will help young people to face the challenges positively. Training is one of the programs to impart skills for employment and self employment. Training is conducted by Kilacha Agriculture and Livestock Training Institute (KALTI) which is part of Training Department. Apart from training the Center supports the community and youths in particular through employment opportunities. About 150 people are employed on a permanent or contract basis and more than 200 youth work as casual laborers in projects of farming, brick making, stone crushing, poultry, fishery, piggery, dairy cows and environmental care.